Our Products

Our Expertise in the food segment

Scaling up of Lab grade recipe to complete design, Equipment selection…

Raw material Storage Silo with SCADA operated Batching

Ready to Eat Curry Transforming regular operation to kitchen…

Breakfast quick range(16 range of product category)

Mixed vegetable, Spicy Tomato, Baby Corn & Spring Onion, Spinach.

Experience on various Process & Technology

Vermicelli & Pasta

Vermicelli & pasta line of 45 MT per day consist of short vermicelli, macroni, Includes Geletaniser, Extruder, dryer and primary packing machine

Canned Beverages

Canned beverages of capacity up to 32 MT per day. Includes milk storage & preparation, pasteuriser, 300 Bottle per min filler and retort.

Soft Candy and Healthy Breakfast Bar

Soft candy / Healthy break fast bar confectionary line of capacity 12 MT per day includes kitchen, depositor, cooling tunnel, Auto tray handling, sugar coating and dryers.

Our Services


  • New and innovative recipe development
  • Scaling up to commercial production
  • Optimization of existing recipe
  • Project Management – Selection of equipment’s and Vendors
  • Modernization of the factory: Transforming Traditional operation to SMART operation.
  • Identification of right technology and designing specialized equipment with less foot print

System Design and Integrator

System and Process implementation for Reliability, Repeatability, consistency, Accuracy and Intelligence.

  • Standardization
  • Simplification
  • Continuous Improvement

Recipe Development

  • New and Innovative Recipe Development
  • Optimizing Existing Recipe
  • Tweaking of existing recipe for RM cost Optimization
  • Addition and alteration of existing recipe for longer self life

Efficiency Improvement

  • Productivity improvement
  • Energy efficiency
  • OEE improvement by debottlenecking in the system
  • Reduction of Over head cost to improve bottom line and hence increased profitability


  • Auto batching with very high precising dosing
  • Specialized custom made mechanization
  • Conversion from Batching operation to continuous operation
  • Introduction to new technology in food manufacturing

Project Management

  • Entire Project Management for both brown field and Green filed
  • Projects of Integrating and centralizing operation
  • Project on manufacturing foot print optimization to improve supply chain cost
  • Project to make SMART operation
  • Bulk Handling and RM handling

Lean Operation

  • Cellular Manufacturing
  • Lean Manufacturing structure
  • Reduction in Multiple process steps
  • Touch free operation
  • Man-Machine and Engagement study


  • Industry 4.0, IIoT
  • Manufacturing digitalization with data analytics and suggestion for improvement
  • Materials and in process digitalization
  • Forward and Back ward integration
  • Mass Balancing and stock verification

Our Expertise

  • Modernization of the factory: Transforming legacy operation to SMART operation.
  • Auto Batching / Automation to improve Productivity / Conversion cost
  • Recipe development from Lab to Scale up level
  • Tweaking existing recipe to improve self life, Maintain freshness and optimize the RM cost
  • Design new process to innovate and bring excellence in operation
  • Identifying right technology with lesser foot print
  • Design Specialized Food Equipment’s to deliver efficiency, consistency and safe product.